Sunday, December 2, 2012

THE LIEBSTER AWARD: New Fashion Blogger

OMG!!! Nina of LeFancyGeek  has nominated me for the Liebster Award. This is an award for new and upcoming bloggers with less than 200 followers . I was super excited when she  notified me that I was one of her nominees. Basically, once you are nominated you answer the 11 questions that the blogger has posted for you on their page and then nominate 11 more new blogs. I think this is a great way to recognize new bloggers who are putting in hard work to maintain their blogs and keep things interesting. Below are the questions that Nina has asked me to answer. Beneath that are the blogs that I have nominated and the questions for them to answer. Enjoy! And keep the blog posts coming Happy Blogging :) 

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
My super power would be Telepathy. I'm super lazy hahah so I'd like to be able to just teleport myself where ever I need to be. However, I'm not sure I would enjoy knowing what others are thinking. 

What are you currently obsessing over (TV show, movie, product, piece of clothing, etc)?
I obsess over so many things haha. Twilight, Sneaker Wedges, nail polish always, fringe/sweaters, chunky scarves, gold, oxblood, winter white, school and my career, OH! and Pumpkin Spice Lattes. 

What is the first album you ever owned?
Destiny's Child: Writings on the Wall. Still one of my favorites. 

If you were told you were adopted, who would you hope your biological parents would be?
Steve Harvey is definitely someone I look up to he's very influential, gives wonderful great advice, and is HILARIOUS! Phylicia Rashad would be my pick for mother because her personality is someone whom I admire to be like. 

What 3 items must be inside your purse at all times?
Altoids Mints, LipBalm, Keys. 

Which do you prefer: coffee or tea?
Always choose tea over coffee its better for you. However, I may sneak in a Latte here and there. 

What is the last book you read?
50 Shades Darker. Its taking me forever to read this series lol

Where do you seek fashion inspiration from?
Books, history, magazines, shopping, bloggers, youtube, research, i love love love Lauren Conrad. 

If your life were a TV show, what would be the theme song?
"Shine"- Ashanti

Which celebrity would you want as your BFF?
Either Zoe Saldana or Ann Hathaway 

How did you come up with your blog’s name?
My last name is Goode and its a fashion blog so I came up with Style. My very good friend Rachana also helped me brainstorm ideas for a couple of days before deciding with this one. :) 


Questions to answer:

1. What/Whom motivated you to begin fashion blogging?
2. Describe your style in three words?
3. What do you hope that people will get out of reading your blog?
4. Who/what is your style inspiration?
5. What is your favorite staple piece?
6. Name one accessory you can't live without?
7. Which celebrity's closet would you love to raid?
8. What is the ultimate goal you wish to achieve out of being a blogger?
9. Name 3 of of your strengths and weaknesses?
10. What is your favorite beauty product?
11. What is your greatest fear?

I couldn't think of 11 bloggers at the moment. But here are 5 and I'll post and update with six more soon.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with you on the super power! Also, I just saw that another thing you're supposed to do when nominated for the LA is that you're supposed to state 11 random facts about yourself too. Sorry! I'm putting my 11 facts in another blog post. Figured I should tell you so your nominees will know to put that too. :)

